

Tejpal was working as a supervisor in a textile mill. One day it lashed heavy rains and a drainage pipe was blocked. Water began to flow in to the godown and mud began to flow with water.He and his colleagues were standing in the godown, water began to flow in to the godown with more speed which could cause damage to yarn stored in the godown.
Tejpal first tried to open the pipe with broom but in vain then he put his hand into the pipe and removed the mud obstructing the water. The flow of water in to the godown stopped but his friend was not happy over Tejpal’s behaviour. He said, “ why did you put your hand into this dirty pipe, this is sweeper’s work”.
Tejpal said calmly, “Till we would have arranged for a sweeper, the water might have damaged the yarn in the godown causing a heavy loss to the company. Sweeper also would have done the same what I have done. Work is always work it is never great or small.”

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